Therapy Supervision & Consultation
with Jena Irvin, LCSW
Supervision Offerings
Why Choose Jena For Your Therapy Supervision?
Supervision offers the opportunity for someone to walk alongside you in your work and hopefully be that secure base in hard clinical spaces. Individual & Group Supervision is also focused work on your stuck places in therapy as well as the ways therapy can touch on our self-of-therapist struggles. Group Supervision is clinically rich because you are able to observe the work of others in a supportive community. There will be a variety of experiential exercises and discussions to help you understand the model and advance your training in EFT. Supervision helps you deepen your understanding of effective EFT interventions and move through the 3 major-change events. In addition, we watch recorded session reviews and facilitate discussions about the EFT process & therapy while integrating matters of race and culture.
For Virtual & In-Person Individual/Dyad EFCT Supervision, please email me directly about my schedule & availability.
A Commitment to Safer & More Welcome Spaces
I offer supervision for folks seeking general support in their EFT work and skills, as well as supervision in service of becoming an ICEEFT certified therapist or supervisor. As the first Black Female Certified EFCT Therapist in Georgia I hold a strong commitment to helping & supporting therapists of color to learn the model & obtain certification.
Recognizing that EFT is an international model of therapy, I welcome all people of color. I believe we need safer places for folks of color to master the model collectively.
In-Person BIPOC EFCT Supervision Groups
Wednesdays Group Meeting | 1:30-3pm EST
The group will be limited to 6 participants (Request group members give 2 months notice if possible so that departures can be processed)
Sessions are 90 minutes in duration and will meet every other week
Fees: $90 per session*
Members must have completed at least an Externship in EFT
The focus of supervision and support is exclusively around EFCT, rather than EFIT and/or EFFT at this time
*Reduced fee slots available as needed.
Get Help With Your Therapy Practice
As a supervisor in EFT, I believe that we are lifelong learners: growing as therapists and deepening our understanding of the EFT model and honing our crafts as clinicians. I also truly believe that we are not meant to do this work in isolation and need one another to do this work well.
Ongoing supervision provides support and continued education while deepening integration of the EFT model. More specifically, my goal is to provide therapists with an in-depth learning experience to accumulate their knowledge of EFT courses, externship & core skills.